Struggling Comic Travels 4 Hours for 5 Minute Guest Spot (Satire)

Weekend warrior comic Derek Waters views comedy as a potential escape from the 9 to 5 grind. “Take this job and shove it… once I start landing some headlining gigs of course,” Derek chuckled. “My girlfriend Stacy is super supportive and travels with me. We’re coming from Litchfield, IL and driving to Chicago so it takes about 3 hrs and 45 minutes. I think if the travel time hit 4 hours, that’d be a bit too much.”

Stacy joked that she’d leave Derek, “If he didn’t make so much money as an IT professional.” She made sure to stress that her statement was definitely a joke and thinks Derek’s comedy career is “literally going places”.

“I’ve been performing at some dive bars in the Chicago area every couple of weeks. I haven’t gotten anyone to offer me any money or more than 5 minutes… but one of these days,” Derek stated with a tinge of optimism. “I really feel like I’m really getting some good exposure in Chi Town! I think the locals really appreciate my bit on Daaaa Bears!” This is of course in reference to the popular 90s SNL sketches famously featuring stars like Chris Farley and George Wendt.

“Chicago has been great. I’ve gotten a couple Facebook friends out of it! Plus I’ve got a 5 minute set lined up in Sarasota, FL next month so I can’t wait to establish a fan base down there.”

(I originally wrote this article for the website The Guest Spot, but since that doesn’t exist anymore, I’m posting it here.)