Comedian Banned for Not Always Being This Woke (satire)

During your time on earth you may acquire knowledge, hear new enlightening perspectives, and gain life experiences. But “Once a bigot, always a bigot.” Chuck Norman likes to say. Norman got his start in comedy in the late 80’s doing mostly observational humor, but in recent years has made a living performing for the woke youth of America’s most progressive college campuses.

Earlier this week, a set of his from 1989 surfaced online and he has found himself out of work. In this set he pointed out that in the 3rd verse of the theme song for the hit TV show Cheers, there is a lyric that says, “And your husband wants to be a girl.” In the online clip of Norman, he can be heard saying, “A man that wants to be a woman? That’s really weird! No wonder NBC cut it out of the theme song!”

“I really can’t believe I said those hateful words,” Norman said tearfully. “I apologize to the trans community, whom I fully support today, that I wasn’t always this woke.”

But it seems his Cheers bit wasn’t the worst of his sins. In 1989 after taking his 6-year-old son Charles to see The Little Mermaid, Charles began exhibiting what he would describe as “odd” behavior. “My son truly believed that he was a merman and that he just needed to spend enough time in the bathtub and the frigid shores of San Francisco and he would eventually grow a tail fin.”

He recounted how after some therapy his son outgrew his belief in being a merman. However, several months afterward his son, began claiming that he was actually a girl. He reportedly yelled at his son, “You’re not a girl, you’re just gay!”

“I thought it was funny so I made a bit comparing transgenderism to my son believing he was a merman just to get some cheap laughs. Now I realize that one of these things is a mental disorder, and one of these things used to be considered a mental disorder. I feel awful that I forced my son into becoming a gay man, instead of letting him live his truth as a female merman.”

“For me, the 80’s was a time of sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, and believing that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. I was the one who decided to release my 1989 stand-up recording because I couldn’t live with the guilt of my past any longer. I shall live the rest of my life as a flagellant. I will walk around San Francisco whipping myself and yelling ‘Shame’ for all to hear.”

Sources say that, true to his word, Norman has been spotted in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, screaming at people that hate and bigotry will not be tolerated.